The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. ~Anaïs Nin

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Reflecting on "Pink Institution"

After reading the "Pink Institution", I was eager to discover similar novels. I have never read a piece where the words were largely spaced on the page, and largely spaced on different pages. The involvement of illustrating images was also an interesting way for Saterstrom to display her story. One of the elements I enjoyed the most were her pages that involved lists with random items such as Motherhood Objects: lives of saints, pet rabbit, instructions, pet chicken, japonica bluff, vitamins, southern lifestyles, lines.

After each random item Saterstrom gives a small story relating to each word. In such an amazing way, each word fits with the message and story she wants to tell.


Post Modernism Write-up
Taken from The Repairman

    My wife threw open the curtains, the sun stung my face, and I instantly retracted my pillow. (page 1).

    Hand clutching, body moves in position. Right left, right left. Moving through texture, on my own. Hearing voices, only one, clouded by emotion, struggling to keep attention. Cold, warm, how can it be both. A hand, a soft hand. Motioning through a cover. Waking up, waking me up. We are in unison, years taunting our lives. Helping me help her, unaware, tempted to reveal. Secrets cross our sheets, should I tell her. Tick, tock, tick, rip, scratch, pull. Green, yellow, on and off colors. Choices are made, hands clutch the green, rip. I am wake.

Examples of Post-modernism literature:
Molloy, Malone Dies, Unnamable by Samuel Beckett

House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski

Breakfast of Champions by Kurt Vonnegut

Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas by Hunter S. Thompson

Sunday, April 24, 2011

Connecting Writing to the Internet

It is becoming much easier locating text on the internet. Amazon has the option to view novels, whether it is the front page, back page, or the body of the text. Blogs are also a great tool for writing on the internet; allowing writers to express themselves without revealing personal information, writings are able to create their own background and title to fit their style and personality. Nowadays, most, in not all, news articles are located on the internet. If an individual does not want to receive a newspaper everyday, they have the option to check the specific article of their desire online.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Revisions I Make

I have made revisions based on suggestions from Professors and from students who have read my work. I generally take all the ideas I am given, and incorporate them into my finished draft. For example, when revising my Ode, there were certain words like "juicy" that I had use; I was given the suggestion that "juicy" wasn't an appropriate word to describe mashed potatoes. I was given word suggestions such as silky, buttery, creamy, and steamy. Although at the time of writing my Ode I did not realize the misplacement of juicy, after careful revision and help from outside readers I was able to find a word that suited perfectly.

Revision Advice

Revision is one of the exquisite pleasures of writing. By- Bernard Malamud

The first draft reveals the art, revision reveals the artist. By- Michael Lee… This website I found involves tips on revising from a teacher. … this is another site on revision as well.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The stories I found myself telling involved what I did during the day, my weekend activities, and stories as to why I enjoyed a particular subject and/or hobby.

I received flowers the day after Valentine's Day, since I don't think it's necessary to make a fuss over the "holiday", someone made sure I received the flowers the day after the hyped-up day. Due to this lovely surprise, I of course had to call my mom right away and tell her.

I recently went to Hoboken about two weeks ago, and realized I had been telling every one that had went, and those who didn't, all the occurances that took place. I also recently got a tattoo, with everyone interested in what it means, I too found myself telling that story over and over.

My finally story of the weeks revolved around why I love the Green Bay Packers. Naturally, since they won the super bowl, my enthusiasm ran wild.

I think it's important to tell these stories, revelant or not, because it allows others to connect to your life, and well, they are generally just fun to tell/discuss.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011


When I think of revisions, I consider making the original work better and/or changing the words (referencing a poem or story) to another word that may make more sense or allow the document to flow better. However, revisions may not necessarily include making the document "better",it may have been find the way it was, but just needed an uplift and/or to be structured to fit a certain audience.

Revisions can be changes the author wish to make on his/her own free will, or simply because he/she was not satisfied with the original product. Or revisions are simply changes made on something written for correction or improvement (similar to the dictionaries wording).