The role of a writer is not to say what we all can say, but what we are unable to say. ~Anaïs Nin

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The stories I found myself telling involved what I did during the day, my weekend activities, and stories as to why I enjoyed a particular subject and/or hobby.

I received flowers the day after Valentine's Day, since I don't think it's necessary to make a fuss over the "holiday", someone made sure I received the flowers the day after the hyped-up day. Due to this lovely surprise, I of course had to call my mom right away and tell her.

I recently went to Hoboken about two weeks ago, and realized I had been telling every one that had went, and those who didn't, all the occurances that took place. I also recently got a tattoo, with everyone interested in what it means, I too found myself telling that story over and over.

My finally story of the weeks revolved around why I love the Green Bay Packers. Naturally, since they won the super bowl, my enthusiasm ran wild.

I think it's important to tell these stories, revelant or not, because it allows others to connect to your life, and well, they are generally just fun to tell/discuss.

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